Sunday, October 5, 2014

Why the world’s largest democracy doesn’t win medals in sporting events?

The numbers speak a harsh truth. India has won just 26 of the 12,796 Olympic medals awarded in the last 114 years. During the 2012 London Olympic Games, India did not win a single gold medal, although it got its best ever aggregate tally of six medals. That is, six out of 83 athletes won a medal. This so-called best performance in an Olympics so far, was behind countries such as Ethiopia, Latvia and Uganda. China with a population comparable to ours, won 88 medals. When you look at medals per population, India was last among the medal winners, standing at the 85th position. We had one medal for 207 million people. These numbers beg an obvious question: Why does the world's largest democracy not win enough medals in world sporting events?
In china they create 6 lac sports stadium in a single year. But in India we don’t have even 600 stadiums for our whole country. Then how can we upgrade our sports personalities. I ask you one question that what our Government’s role on sports is?

Here in India sports personalities and sports events are not recognized by well trained and awarded sports champions. Nowadays that recognition was given to a POLITICIAN (Suresh Kalmadi was born to Dr. K. Shamrao Kalmadi, who was a social doctor dedicated to serving the poor. Now, Suresh Kalmadi  was an Indian politician and senior sports administrator.) This is the reason which helps to make more corruptions in India. As a Responsible personality you are the first, Who get together with common people. As your Responsibility now, I you can’t able to take any action on my furtherance, Then it may happen to de-promote you.

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